See the IT and telecoms channel like never before 

The IT and telecoms channel is a constantly evolving ecosystem, with new players and technologies emerging all the time. Providers need up-to-date information on this landscape in order to make informed decisions about what their channel is doing, but also what their competition is doing.  

Resellers identified

Partnerships found

URLs harvested

How can this help you?

Bring visibility on your channel partners and what they are selling

Launch in new markets and find new channel partners

Understand the channel dynamics in your own market

▾ Discover which of your channel partners are supporting you 

▾ Discover which of your channel partners are talking about you

Track competitors changes in their channel

See what products are gaining traction in the channel

73% of providers in Cavell's latest industry survey expect to sell more through resellers in the next 12 months

We utilize cutting-edge technology to gather and analyze data from a variety of sources.

One of our primary methods is by harvesting data from partner's websites to create a comprehensive database of information. To make sense of this data, we use advanced algorithms that utilize keyword searching and image recognition to extract meaningful insights around what services and vendors these resellers offer.

These insights are then presented through a user-friendly interface using PowerBI, allowing our clients to easily compare and analyze the data. ​ ​